Terrorism Insurance
In today’s world businesses face a number of risks, including acts of terrorism that could affect your operations both in the UK and abroad.
As a business owner, it’s important that you have terrorism insurance in place in the event that the unexpected happens and cover is required. Read on to find out how Dover Street Insurance Brokers can help you to protect your business with a standalone terrorism insurance policy.
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What is an act of terrorism?
According to the UK CPS, terrorism is defined as: “The use or threat of action, both in and outside of the UK, designed to influence any international government organisation or to intimidate the public. It must also be for the purpose of advancing a political, religious, racial or ideological cause.”
What is terrorism insurance?
With the terrorist acts and political violence continuing to hit the news headlines on an increasingly regular basis, a terrorism insurance policy can help to quantify your risk and protect any potential financial losses in the event of a terrorist act affecting your operations or physically damaging your company’s premises.
In the event of an act of terrorism affecting your business, not only will a terrorism insurance policy help to safeguard business’ income equipment and other workplace property, but it will also provide cover for premises that are located in areas that are deemed to be high-risk. These can include those located close to government buildings, landmarks, financial districts and major transport hubs.
Do I need terrorism insurance?
Having terrorism insurance in place will help to ensure that your business can continue operating in the event of a terrorist attack taking place. If a terrorist attack occurs on or close to your business’ premises and your equipment or property are damaged, it could take a while for your business to be able to start operating again. Without the financial protection that terrorist insurance provides, would your business be able to survive?
Whether you are a the owner of a commercial business (particularly one within the entertainment, hospitality or retail industries that could be particularly affected by the impact of a police cordon or exclusion zones) or a property owner, terrorism insurance can provide a cost-effective solution to ensure you can continue operating.
What terrorism insurance covers
If your business operations are affected by a terrorist attack, a typical terrorism insurance policy will provide cover for the following:
- Strikes and/or riots and/or civil commotion.
- Sabotage and terrorism.
- Insurrection, revolution and rebellion.
- War and/or civil war.
- Malicious damage.
- Mutiny and/or coup d’etat.
- Liability: covers the financial costs of claims against your company for damages by employees or third parties who are injured as a result of a terrorist attack, as well as third party property damage.
These are just examples of some of the types of terrorism insurance covers that we can arrange at Dover Street Insurance Brokers. As we know that no two businesses are the same, speak to us today to find out which policies will best meet your needs.
Why is terrorism insurance important?
Although it might seem unlikely that a terrorist attack could affect your business and its operations, the losses that you could incur by being uninsured could be massive – would it be worth the risk and would your business be able to survive?
A terrorist attack on or near your business premises could be extremely damaging for not only your building but also your employees and third-party visitors. For example, it could result in human casualties, business interruption, property damage and issues with legal liability. Plus, there might also be long-term damage to your brand and reputation too.
As terrorist attacks are now regarded by insurers as a foreseeable risk, as a business owner it is important that you take the responsibilities that you have for duty of care extremely seriously – otherwise you face a severe financial hit in the event of the unexpected happening.
The cost of terrorism insurance
At Dover Street Insurance Brokers we understand that cost is important to your business, but it is crucial to ensure that you are properly protected in line with the risks your business faces. With that in mind, we will take the time to understand the specific needs of your business and recommend the amount of cover that is best suited to you.
How can I get terrorism insurance?
Dover Street Insurance Brokers have a team of specialist advisers ready to help you get the right protection in place for your business.
We will take the time to understand the specific needs of your business and are committed to delivering a completely personalised service, ensuring that you have the best possible cover at the best possible price.
To find out how much peace of mind costs, contact one of our team by calling: 0208 057 4130.